Rules and Policies
The following rules have been established by the Applewood Swim & Tennis Club to assure the safe and sanitary operation of the property and for the safety of its members' families and their guests. View the full Applewood Swim and Tennis Club’s By-Laws and Official Rules.
- All Members must sign in with his or her name and membership number to the club employee at the front desk.
- Guests may be brought to the pool anytime by and with an active member. There is a fee of $5.00/person per day or $20.00/family per day.
- The Pool Manager is in charge of the Club and is charged with the enforcement of all Rules and is empowered to make decisions concerning disciplinary actions under the direction of the Board. In his or her absence, the Assistant Manager(s) assume these responsibilities.
- Parents are responsible for their children while they are on pool property and the observation of all pool rules and regulations.
- Children under the age of 10 MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times. For this rule, a responsible adult is a person 13 years or older.
- Pool rules, as posted, are the most important regulations and must be obeyed at all times.
- Safety Regulations will be prescribed by the Board, along with other information of interest; Members are requested to check the bulletin board daily.
- No rough or boisterous play, running or objectionable language will be tolerated.
- The Club cannot and will not accept responsibility for personal property and valuables. Members are urged to leave all valuables at home.
- Lost items will be turned into the front desk area and held for a period of time. Valuable items will be turned over to the club manager and be locked in the main office.
- No pets of any kind will are to be permitted inside the club.
- Alcoholic Beverages are not permitted on club grounds.
- Smoke and smokeless tobacco are not permitted on club grounds and adjacent area.